2022 China rubber annual meeting, grand opening!

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Release time:

Aug 31,2022

On August 30, the second Council of the 10th China Rubber Industry Association and the 2022 China Rubber Annual Conference Forum opened in Qingdao, Shandong Province.

Xu Wenying, President of China Rubber Industry Association, made a report on the theme of "Facing Challenges, Dare to Take Responsibility and Work Together to the Future" at the meeting, reporting on the work of China Rubber Industry Association since 2022 and introducing the work plan for the next stage.

Xu Wenying said, this year is the most difficult year since the new crown epidemic 3 years, the domestic epidemic more frequent, the rubber industry's entire industrial chain production and operation has been greatly affected. In the face of the severe and complex situation, the China Oak Association took the initiative to contact industry companies for multiple rounds and various forms of communication, brainstorming, and jointly coping with difficulties to ensure the stable growth of the industry.

Xu Wenying emphasized that at present, China's rubber industry is in a new period of strategic opportunities and a new starting point for achieving carbon peaks and carbon neutrality goals. The whole industry should strengthen its confidence in development, stabilize growth and promote transformation, strive to turn challenges into opportunities and pressure into driving force, further strengthen the leading role of scientific and technological innovation in the upgrading and development of the industry, speed up the transformation and upgrading of traditional technology with new technologies, speed up the improvement of weaknesses, strengths and weaknesses, strive to cultivate new momentum and new advantages of sustainable growth, and strive to achieve the goal of becoming a powerful country in China's rubber industry.

Yuan Zhongxue, senior vice president of China Rubber Industry Association, executive chairman of the presidium, and chairman of Sailun Group Co., Ltd., jointly issued the "China Rubber Industry Self-discipline Proposal" on behalf of the presidium of the China Rubber Association.

At the board meeting, Lei Changchun, vice chairman and secretary-general of the China Rubber Industry Association, made the China Oak Association's "2021 Financial Revenue and Expenditure Report" and "Report on the Cancellation of Eucommia ulmoides Comprehensive Utilization Working Committee". The "Administrative Measures (Draft for Review)" and "Member Management Measures (Draft for Review)" are explained.

The meeting considered and adopted two "reports" and two "management measures".

At the same time, the conference released the list of "2022 China's top 100 rubber industry enterprises, integrity tire dealers, integrity rubber traders and integrity rubber industry service providers.

At the main forum of the 2022 China Rubber Annual Conference, Xu Wenying, President of China Rubber Industry Association, Chen Kezheng, President of Qingdao University of Science and Technology, and Li Hui, Deputy General Manager of Shanghai Futures Exchange, delivered speeches respectively.

Xu Wenying said in his speech that one of the important tasks of the association is to build a good platform for everyone to know and communicate with each other. Many heavyweight guests were invited to this meeting, and they will be divided into six sections in two days. Knowledge sharing. I believe that through the platform built by the association, everyone can reap a lot. I hope you will live in happiness every day and don't be afraid of difficulties, because confidence is more important than gold.

On behalf of Qingdao University of Science and Technology, Chen Kezheng congratulated the convening of this meeting. He introduced that the 72-year development history of Qingdao University of Science and Technology is a history of mutual achievements with China's rubber industry around rubber, research on rubber, development of rubber. The school has formed three school-running characteristics of thick planting rubber foundation, highlighting the rubber core and gathering rubber media.

Chen Kezheng said that as a university with industry characteristics, HKUST has always adhered to the strategic goal of leading the progress of the industry, cultivating talents needed by the rubber chemical industry, and promoting the organic integration of education chain, innovation chain, talent chain and industrial chain. This annual meeting focuses on the world's rubber frontier and national rubber development major needs, in-depth analysis, grasp the frontier. In the future, the Youth University of Science and Technology will continue to work with the China Rubber Association and all sectors of society to share the same direction and resonate at the same frequency, contributing the wisdom and strength of the Youth University of Science and Technology to the Chinese rubber industry.

Li Hui, deputy general manager of Shanghai Futures Exchange, introduced in his speech that the natural rubber derivatives market of Shanghai Futures Exchange has formed a perfect product system. Since the beginning of this year, thanks to the strong support of industry associations and all parties in the market, the natural rubber derivatives market of the previous period has continued to develop healthily. First, the market size has grown steadily; second, the pricing function has played a significant role; third, it has taken the initiative in terms of price stability and supply protection.

Li Hui said that in the next step, the Shanghai Futures Exchange will take the implementation of the Futures Law as an opportunity to practice its political mission of "enhancing the price influence of important commodities, better serving and leading the development of the real economy", and better serving the high-quality development of the rubber industry and the real economy with the high-quality development of the futures market.

Wang Yuanhong, deputy director of the Economic Forecasting Department of the State Information Center and chief economist, delivered a video speech at the meeting, introducing the new development pattern of China's economy.

Wang Yuanhong predicted that in the second half of the year, my country's economy will gradually return to normal track, maintain a reasonable growth range, and strive to achieve the best results. It is initially estimated that the annual GDP will grow by about 3.5. Consumer prices rebounded moderately, while industrial prices fell from high levels. CPI is expected to rise by 2.3, PPI rose about 5.

Shen Jinrong, senior vice president of China Rubber Industry Association and chairman of Zhongce Rubber Group Co., Ltd., made an in-depth analysis of the situation of China's rubber industry in 2022, and shared his views with the participants on the difficulties and hot issues facing the industry.

According to analysis, in the first half of the year, the economic operation of China's tire industry continued the difficult situation since 2021, with a major industry-wide decline in overall profits and a "double decline" in output and revenue ".

Shen Jinrong said that major adjustments in the economic structure and changes in transportation methods will continue to have an impact on the Chinese tire market. The old problems restricting the development of China's tire industry, such as high tariffs on natural rubber, have not been solved, but new problems such as labor costs, energy consumption, energy prices, environmental protection, and rising raw materials are becoming increasingly prominent.

He believes that China's total tire overcapacity will intensify, industry consolidation, the elimination of backward production capacity is imperative.

Lei Changchun, vice president and Secretary General of China Rubber Industry Association, used detailed data to interpret the current economic operation of China's rubber industry.

According to reports, in the first half of the year, the total industrial output value of the rubber industry at current prices decreased slightly year-on-year, and sales revenue achieved positive growth; the export delivery value increased significantly, becoming the main driving force for the economic operation of the industry, and the export rate (value) remained high.

Lei Changchun said that although the industry is facing certain difficulties this year, he hopes that companies in the industry will take the initiative to strengthen communication with upstream and downstream, local governments and associations, and actively feedback the difficulties and problems encountered. With the prevention and control of the epidemic and the guidance of the country's package of policies to stabilize the economy, the steady growth in the second half of the year boosted confidence with the active response and hard work of all enterprises in the industry.

Chai Yongsen, senior vice president of China Rubber Industry Association, party committee secretary and chairman of Shuangxing Group, and Liu Feng, vice president of soft Control Co., Ltd., presided over the board meeting and the main forum of the conference respectively.

In addition to the main forum, this China Rubber Annual Conference also set up a closed-door summit of presidium enterprises and six thematic forums: natural rubber and synthetic rubber markets.